the THREE r’s
Our main services at PMMC are Rescuing, Rehabilitating, and Releasing pinnipeds.
Keep scrolling to learn more about what a PMMC patient’s journey looks like from beginning to end. See how you can get involved!
01 Rescue
Unlike whales and dolphins, seals and sea lions don't have to remain in the water to survive. The animals beach themselves to be warm and dry when feeling ill. They seek rest on land for a variety of reasons and are not always in need of intervention.
Our staff is trained to recognize animals suffering from infections, malnourishment, pneumonia, gill net strangulation, etc. which can harm an animal's chance of survival.
02 ReHabilitate
When a patient is admitted, our staff performs all necessary procedures under the direction and protocols set by our Animal Care Director and Veterinary Medical Director. The most common patients we rehabilitate are California Sea Lions, Northern Elephant Seals, and Harbor Seals. During rehabilitation, animals require a variety of treatments such as the administration of antibiotics and subcutaneous fluids, tube feeding, force feeding, wound care, and more.
Most animals come in dehydrated and the most effective means to provide fluids and nourishment is through tube feeding. The process requires the blending of fish, electrolytes, warm water, vitamins, and medication into a fish formula. This formula is fed to the animals by inserting a flexible tube into the stomach using large syringes. As soon as the animals are hydrated and stable, we wean them to eat whole fish.
Once an animal has gained an optimal weight and is competing for food, it's ready for release. Before release, each animal is tagged with an identification number. The color-coded tags indicate the animal has been rehabilitated and help identify the specific animal and care center in case the animal needs care in the future. We strive to return every one of our patients to the wild once their care with us is complete.
Support our mission and witness happy sea lions being released by purchasing a release pass that lasts one year!
see our live webcams
our patients help us make an impact far beyond the walls of our hospital
Rescue & Rehabiliate
We further our research from the data we collect when rescuing & rehabilitating marine mammals.
We disentangle marine mammals that have become entrapped in fishing gear and trash, while also collecting data.
Provide Expertise
We study, consult, and collaborate with environmental agencies across the nation to make an impact that extends far beyond our home base of Laguna Beach, CA.
What can you do?
Call Pacific Marine Mammal Center and ask to speak with our animal care department.
Location + Terrain
Injuries or Wounds
Size + Body Condition (such as hip bones and rib cage)
Behavior (is the animal sitting up, vocalizing, etc.?)
Does the animal have any obvious identification tags or markings?
Please keep your distance from the animal to give them the best chance of survival. Federal law prohibits touching, feeding, harassing, removing, or returning a beached mammal to the water.
Please do not pour water on the animal. Seals and sea lions temporarily "haul out" of the water and go on land to rest. This is normal behavior, so not all animals will need our help. Monitor from a safe distance and make necessary observations. Politely keep other people away from the animal. -
Take everything with you that you brought and clean up trash that you see. You can also contribute to protecting the environment even when you aren’t in nature! Buy less plastic and single-use packaged items and shop for eco-friendly alternatives in our online store.
When you donate, each cent is stretched as far as it can go in helping us continue to rescue, rehabilitate, and release pinnipeds. Your donation also funds research to help give us valuable information on how to serve marine mammals and our oceans better.
Learn more about how you can witness the happy and healthy chunky guys return to sea. Or watch past releases on our YouTube channel.
Release Pass Release Videos