Chris keys

Finance Chair

Watch to see why Chris stays involved at PMMC.

Chris Keys, Finance Chair to Pacific Marine Mammal Center’s Board of Directors has served for 1 year and has been involved with our center for several years as an occasional donor and attendee of our fundraising events. 

Chris was inspired to get more involved because of his lifelong love of the ocean and marine mammals. He says, “I have had a strong relationship with the ocean as a surfer and ocean swimmer since birth, growing up at the New Jersey shore during summers for my first 16 years, then moving to California where that relationship continued to deepen”.

Chris and his wife have volunteered at the LB Animal Shelter for the past 25 years, which is where he first learned about PMMC. 

He is most passionate about our mission of rescue, rehabilitation, release, and research. Chris says, “The work at PMMC can help us understand how our human lives are intricately intertwined with marine mammals and the health of our oceans. I feel honored to be able to contribute, in some small way, to all that PMMC does in pursuit of this mission”.