Chairman of the Board

Watch to see why Jeff stays involved at PMMC.

Jeff Meberg has served on the Pacific Marine Mammal Center Board of Directors for 9 years, and Chairman for 7 years. Jeff is inspired to take action from his love of the ocean and living near the coast his entire life. He resonates with PMMC’s mission to protect our shores, ocean, and wonderful sea life. Jeff became familiar with PMMC as an avid swimmer 15 years ago, when he met our Founder, John Cunningham for the first time. 

With Jeff’s 30+ years in the environmental sector, he has always been a proponent of conservation and recycling, specifically water. He says, “I saw the opportunity at PMMC to build our own water recycling facility to be better ocean stewards. I am blessed to be with so many big-hearted people that care to donate their time and efforts to make PMMC successful in our mission. I have cherished this aspect of PMMC.”

Besides serving as Chairman of the Board at PMMC, Jeff is also on the Board at Glennwood Housing Authority based in Laguna Beach. He is also a Water Commissioner for the Laguna Beach County Water District and happily serves alongside his wife, supporting her involvement with Laguna Beach Art Museum and Laguna Outreach for Community Arts.