Sponsor a

a seal stretching on the rock
sea lions released to the ocean

be there from the beginning

Patient sponsorships cover the cost of all expenses related to a patient’s hospital stay. From intake all the way through release, you get to be a part of their recovery every step of the way - including opening the kennel at their release!

How it works


For a tax deductible donation of $5,000 you can sponsor a patient’s entire hospital stay! Your contribution will provide them with food, medicine, and any specialized treatments or procedures they require.

Name your patient

We’ll alert you as soon as we have a patient in need of a sponsor. Then, you get to decide what to name them!

We’ll provide you with updates throughout your patients road to recovery. You’ll hear all about their personality, treatments they’re undergoing, milestones they’ve reached, and receive photos along the way!

Follow their journey

Send them home

You made their recovery possible, now you get to be the one to send them home! You’ll have the opportunity to open the kennel at your patient’s release. You’ll also receive a symbolic sea lion patient stuffed animal to remember them by.

sea lions on release day

Be the reason a patient gets a second chance at life.

Patient Sponsors also receive the following perks:

  • Monthly email newsletter

  • PMMC sticker & magnet

  • Iconic red barn post card

  • Invitation to ALL public patient releases for 1 year with up to 2 guests

  • 20% off online store

  • PMMC tote

  • Custom brick in our new Visitor Yard

  • PMMC t shirt or sweatshirt

  • Donor board recognition

  • Exclusive PMMC viewfinder

  • First access to the new PMMC

Be a part of their journey from rescue to release!

a baby sea lion with a blanket
PMMC team checking a sea lion

Help us conduct an intake examination to determine the best course of treatment for your patient.

Provide food, medicine, specialized treatment, and procedures like MRIs, x-rays, and surgery.

sea ​​lions, looking at camera from the same angle body posture

Help your patient progress through the next stage of recovery - rehabilitation! This is where your patient will learn to hunt for fish and prepare for life back in the wild.

sea lions on release day

Attend your patient’s release and be the one to open their kennel and send them back to their ocean home!

a seal and sea lions running to the ocean on release day

Sponsor a patient today!

Be the reason a patient gets a second chance at life. You can also find information on other membership options using the button below.